
A nose that feels natural functions well and is in harmony with your face

  • Natural proportional shape
  • Balanced facial aesthetics

The nose reshaping (nose job) or rhinoplasty is a highly skilled procedure to change the shape and size of the nose. Whether we like it or not people are judged by the size and shape of our noses. A 1 mm hump can change a straight nose into a rounded nose and is visible from across the room. Successful modern rhinoplasty has evolved from ancient plastic surgery and needs to be customized to the individual.

Dr Rajapakse is very experienced in nasal surgery procedures and puts a lot of emphasis on creating not only an aesthetically pleasing nose, but also to make sure that the new nose is in balance and harmony with other key areas of the face.

Dr Rajapakse also understands the cultural significance that the nose often has and can tailor his treatment accordingly.

With rhinoplasty surgery, keeping the nose looking un-operated and natural looking is necessity in achieving the best result.

If you would like to see an animation of this procedure please click here

Rhinoplasty FAQs

Is it right for me?

Rhinoplasty surgery is highly technical and individualized procedure. Rhinoplasty is a very personal decision and you should have realistic goals and expectations before undergoing surgery. Generally surgery is performed on patients when the nose has developed fully and there is no age limit on the surgery. If you are unhappy with the shape and size of your nose or you have breathing problems and you are considering surgery, Dr Rajapakse will examine your nose during your initial consultation and discuss how Rhinoplasty can achieve an improvement and meet your goals and expectations.

Will I need anaesthesia?

Depending on the size and location of the skin lesion Dr Rajapakse performs surgery either under local anaesthesia with or without sedation or under general anaesthesia. Some procedures may be suitable for local anaesthetic and can be performed in the rooms.

If general anaesthesia or sedation is required Dr Rajapakse will engage the services of a qualified anaesthetist who is a fellow of the Royal Australian and NZ College of Anaesthetists (FRANZCA).

Your anaesthetist will ask you about all the medications that you are taking or have taken and any allergies that you may have.

Will there be scarring?

Unfortunately scars are an inevitable part of any surgery and depending on how each person heals, there can be no guarantee for a perfect outcome.

Dr Rajapakse is highly skilled to minimize scarring and to keep your scars as inconspicuous as possible by placing the incision in natural crease lines.

Scars do fade and if scarring is a concern for you after surgery, Dr Rajapakse will provide you with specially tailored treatment plan to expedite the healing of your scars

Where is the surgery taking place?

All surgeries are performed either as a day case or over night stay at reputable internationally accredited facility.

What is the recovery period?

Recovery time will vary from patient to patient, but expect to take off at least 2 weeks and it may be several weeks before you can resume any strenuous exercise. You will be given post-surgery instructions to follow. You will usually leave with some nasal splints which will be removed at your first outpatient visit.

What are the costs?

You have the right to be informed about the costs associated with you surgery.

When choosing a surgeon for your cosmetic surgery, remember that factors such as surgeon’s training, qualifications, experience and your comfort them are just as important.

Costs associated with the procedure may include:

  • Dr Rajapakse’s surgical fee
  • One year of Surgical follow up
  • Accredited hospital facility cost
  • Anaesthesia fee
  • Prescription for medications
  • Post- surgery garments
  • Medical tests

After your consultation an informed financial consent will be sent as well as an information pack to read before the second pre-surgery appointment.

Send an enquiry or call (02) 8964 8090