Arm lift

An arm lift removes and reshapes loose skin and fatty tissue from the medial upper arm. This procedure is specific for areas that have not responded to diet and exercise. This procedure tightens and smoothens the underlying supportive tissue gives definition to the shape of the arm while at the same time removing deposits of fat.

An arm lift like most body contouring procedures is highly individually tailored depending on the anatomic distributions of excess tissue.

Arm lift surgery is usually accompanied by liposculpture to reshape and enhance the upper limb.

This surgery can be performed individually or in combination with an abdominoplasty or a body lift.

If you would like to see an animation of this procedure please click here

Arm lift FAQs

Is it right for me?

You are a potentially suitable candidate if you have a stable weight for at least 3 months and have excess loose tissue in the medial thigh region that has been resistant to diet and exercise.

You must be a non smoker or have stopped smoking (and all other nicotine intake) for at least 1 month prior and 1 month after surgery.

Will I need anaesthesia?

Dr Rajapakse performs all arm lift surgery under general anesthesia. This safe and effective and allows the optimum surgical treatment together with patient comfort. Beware of some budget cosmetic clinics both in Australia and overseas that advertise twilight sedation as there are many risks associated with this.

Dr Rajapakse will engage the services of a qualified anesthetist who is a fellow of the Royal Australian and NZ College of Anesthetists (FRANZCA).

Your anaeastetist will ask you about all the medications that you are taking or have taken and any allergies that you may have.

Will there be scarring?

Unfortunately scars are an inevitable part of any surgery and depending on how each person heals, there can be no guarantee for a perfect outcome.

Dr Rajapakse is highly skilled to minimize scarring and to keep your scars as inconspicuous as possible by placing the incision in natural crease lines.

Scars do fade and if scarring is a concern for you after surgery, Dr Rajapakse will provide you with specially tailored treatment plan to expedite the healing of your scars.

Where is the surgery taking place?

All surgeries are performed either as a day case or over night stay at reputable internationally accredited facility.

What is the recovery period?

Recovery times vary from patient to patient and will also depend on the extent of the surgery. You will be in hospital for the first 1-2 nights. Prepare to have 3 weeks off work and allow for 1-2 weeks for all swelling and bruising to disappear. Light exercise may be resumed within 2-3 weeks but strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least 6-8 weeks. You will be given post-surgery instructions and a garment to wear. It is very important to wear the pressure garment for 2-4 weeks to obtain optimal results.

What are the costs?

You have the right to be informed about the costs associated with you surgery.

When choosing a surgeon for your cosmetic surgery, remember that factors such as surgeon’s training, qualifications, experience and your comfort them are just as important.

Costs associated with the procedure may include:

  •  Dr Rajapakse’s surgical fee
  • One year of Surgical follow up
  • Accredited hospital facility cost
  • Anaesthesia fee
  • Prescription for medications
  • Post- surgery garments
  • Medical tests 

After your consultation an informed financial consent will be sent as well as an information pack to read before the second pre-surgery appointment. This second optional appointment is free of charge and your preoperative photos and measurements for your compression bra’s will be take.

Send an enquiry or call (02) 8964 8090